The remarkable history of the Seawomen of the Marinecraft Unit, and the first BOAC Stewardesses at Poole.

A Heritage Lottery funded community research project.

Copyright © Poole Flying Boats Celebration  •  Registered Charity No. 1123274

Poole Flying Boats Celebration (PFBC)

Parkstone Library Buildings

1 Britannia Road

Poole BH14 8AZ



A PFBC Project

Further Information

Celebrating the Seawomen of the Marinecraft Unit, and the first BOAC Stewardesses at Poole.

Your Privacy and Our Use of Cookies

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The EU ‘Cookie Law’

As of May 26th 2012 the UK Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (the EU ‘Cookie Law’ came into force. Under the regulations is required to make available information about all cookies we use on our web site.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small files placed on your computer's hard drive by websites, they help websites to analyse web traffic or recognise your computer when you visit a particular site.

Cookies can also allow web applications to tailor content to suit your needs by remembering your likes, dislikes and preferences - such as the way sites like Amazon and eBay suggest items that you might be interested in based on what you have looked at previously.

Cookies we use

We use cookies to see how people are using our website, such as which pages are being viewed and how often. The tool we use for this is called Google Analytics.

The information gathered by Google Analytics helps us to improve our site and tailor it to our website users needs.

Google servers automatically record the page requests made when you visit our site. These “server logs” typically include your web request, Internet Protocol address*, browser type, browser language, the date and time of your request and one or more cookies that may uniquely identify your browser.

We only use this information for statistical analysis purposes, we cannot recognise you from the records we hold and cannot access your computer or any information about you. You can find out more about the tool we use for this and how it works on the Google Analytics website.

Further info:

*Internet Protocol (IP) address

Every computer connected to the Internet is assigned a unique number known as an Internet protocol (IP) address. Since these numbers are usually assigned in country-based blocks, an IP address can often be used to identify the country from which a computer is connecting to the Internet.

Accept or decline cookies by adjusting your browser settings

If you are concerned about cookies from this or any other website you may want to adjust the privacy settings in your internet browser. By doing this you can withdraw your consent for websites to upload cookies to your computer.

Most internet browsers automatically accept (or 'consent' to) cookies, but you can usually change your browser settings to decline cookies if you prefer. Again, this may reduce your browsing experience but it gives you greater control over the cookies that are placed on your computer.

Here are some links to point you towards advice for the most popular internet browsers:

Desktop browsers:

Internet Explorer: IE6, IE7 and IE8, IE9

Mozilla Firefox

Google Chrome



Mobile browsers:

Mobile Safari - for iPhones etc



Netfront (pdf download)

Opera Mini

You can find out more about the different types of cookies and what they do at BBC Webwise or at

Published date: 14th May 2014

Your use of this website signifies your consent to us collecting and using personal data about you as specified below in accordance with this policy statement. Should we choose to change these terms for any reason, the changes will be posted here so that you are always kept informed about the collection and use of your personal information, and when we disclose it.

How we collect personal information about you and how it is used

You may provide personal information when communicating with us, for instance to make a comment about our website or projects and activities.

We may use the personal information collected about you to let you know about new projects, news or events or changes to our privacy or cookie policy. We will not share your personal information, name and/or email address with any third party.

It may be that some of the personal information you give us is sensitive personal data within the meaning of the Data Protection Act 1998. Such information ("sensitive information") will only be disclosed with your express consent.

Disclosure policy

We reserve the right to access and disclose individually identifiable information to enable us to comply with applicable laws and lawful government requests to operate its systems and to protect itself or its users.

Published date: 14th May 2014